Results for 'Ana González Menéndez'

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  1.  40
    RIERA, T.: Evolución del arte musical.Ana González Menéndez - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 34:386-388.
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    The role of nurses' professional values during the COVID-19 crisis.David González-Pando, Covadonga González-Nuevo, Ana González-Menéndez, Fernando Alonso-Pérez & Marcelino Cuesta - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):293-303.
    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has produced high stress in nurses, affecting their professional quality of life. Different variables affect psychological stress response and professional quality of life. In this context, the role of professional values represents an interesting object of research. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between professional values, perceived stress, and professional quality of life among nurses during the COVID-19 crisis. Research design, participants, and research context: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Participants were 439 registered nurses from the public health system. (...)
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  3. Involving Older Adults During COVID-19 Restrictions in Developing an Ecosystem Supporting Active Aging: Overview of Alternative Elicitation Methods and Common Requirements From Five European Countries.Kerli Mooses, Mariana Camacho, Filippo Cavallo, Michael David Burnard, Carina Dantas, Grazia D’Onofrio, Adriano Fernandes, Laura Fiorini, Ana Gama, Ana Perandrés Gómez, Lucia Gonzalez, Diana Guardado, Tahira Iqbal, María Sanchez Melero, Francisco José Melero Muñoz, Francisco Javier Moreno Muro, Femke Nijboer, Sofia Ortet, Erika Rovini, Lara Toccafondi, Sefora Tunc & Kuldar Taveter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundInformation and communication technology solutions have the potential to support active and healthy aging and improve monitoring and treatment outcomes. To make such solutions acceptable, all stakeholders must be involved in the requirements elicitation process. Due to the COVID-19 situation, alternative approaches to commonly used face-to-face methods must often be used. One aim of the current article is to share a unique experience from the Pharaon project where due to the COVID-19 outbreak alternative elicitation methods were used. In addition, an (...)
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    Patent retrieval architecture based on document retrieval. Sketching out the Spanish patent landscape.Ana B. Gil-GonzÁlez, Andrea VÁzquez-Ingelmo, Fernando de la Prieta, Ana de Luis-Reboredo & Alfonso GonzÁlez-Briones - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):558-569.
    A patent is a property granted to any new shape, configuration or arrangement of elements, of any device, tool, instrument, mechanism or other object or part thereof, that allows for a better or different operation, use or manufacture of the object that incorporates it or that provides it with some utility, advantage or technical effect that it did not have before. As a document, a patent really is a title that recognizes the right to exploit the patented invention exclusively, preventing (...)
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  5. Inscripciones árabes halladas en las excavaciones de la sinagoga del Tránsito. Toledo.Ana María López Alvarez, María Luisa Menéndez Robles & Santiago Palomero Plaza - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (2):433-448.
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    Kant and a culture of freedom.Ana Marta González - 2010 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 96 (3):291-308.
    The expression “a culture of freedom” is unmistakably modern. Yet its meaning is not immediately clear. My purpose in this paper is to clarify the possible meaning of this expression by taking Kant’s practical philosophy as a point of reference. In order to do so, I will depart from Kant’s explicit conception of culture, and try to relate it to his own distinction between external and internal freedom, especially as it appears in the Metaphysics of Morals.
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    The Emotions and Cultural Analysis.Ana Marta González - 2012 - Routledge.
    Amidst prevailing debates that construe rationality and emotionality as polar opposites, this book explores the manner in which emotions shape not only prevailing conceptions of rationality, but also culture in general terms, making room for us to speak of an 'emotional culture' specific to late-modern societies. Presenting case studies involving cultural artefacts, narratives found in fictional and non-fictional literature and television programs, speech patterns and self-talk, fashion, and social networking practices, The Emotions and Cultural Analysis sheds light on the relationship (...)
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    Depositum Gladius Non Debet Restitui Furioso: Precepts, Synderesis, and Virtues in Saint Thomas Aquinas.Ana González - 1999 - The Thomist 63:217-240.
    I examine all the occasions on which Aquinas uses a particular example, which goes back to Plato's Republic, to shed light on the controversial subject of the immutability of natural law. Aquinas usually transcribes it as depositum gladius non debet restitui furioso, although some variations also occur. We shall first look at the context in which Plato situates this idea, then go on to examine the occasions on which Aquinas draws on it: in the Summa, when discussing the question as (...)
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    Giuseppina Grammatico Amari.Ana María González de Tobia - 2009 - Synthesis (la Plata) 16:11-12.
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    The Influence of Quality on eWOM: A Digital Transformation in Hotel Management.Gloria Sánchez-González & Ana M. González-Fernández - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There is no doubt that the use of Internet for purchasing products and services has constituted a crucial change in how people go about buying them. In the era of digital transformation, the possibility of accessing information provided by other users about their personal experiences has taken on more weight in the selection and buying processes. On these lines, traditional word-of-mouth has given way to electronic word-of-mouth, which constitutes a major social change. This behavior is particularly relevant in the services (...)
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  11. Ana Olivia Ruíz Martínez, et al." Sintomatología de anorexia y bulimia nerviosa en universidades privadas y públicas".Ana Olivia Ruíz Martínez, Roxana González Sotomayor & Silvia Valdez Nasser - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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    El hombre como buscador: una lectura práctico-existencial de la "Fides et ratio".Ana Marta González - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (65):663-688.
    This paper focuses on the third chapter of Fides et ratio, entitled Intellego ut credam This sentence is usually connected with the preambula fidei, truths which are supposed to prepare human mind to receive the gift of faith. But in this case, Pope John Paul II develops this sentence in a different, more existential way according to which the real preambula fidei are not so much a set of truths as the real man who seeks the truth with his entire (...)
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    La recepción de museo de la novela de la eterna. De la vanguardia diferida en el boom a la nacionalización de su autonomía en el posboom.Ana Davis González - 2022 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (54):139-155.
    La novela póstuma de Macedonio Fernández, Museo de la Novela de la Eterna es una obra paradigmática de la narrativa argentina. Su largo proceso de escritura desde 1904 y su publicación diferida en 1967 despiertan un interés en la historia de su recepción. El objetivo del presente trabajo es señalar algunas paradojas que surgen de las lecturas del texto y de cómo se ha interpretado su autonomía ficcional durante el contexto de su publicación –el boom–. La primera parte busca delimitar (...)
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    Éticas sin moral.Ana González - 2009 - Pensamiento y Cultura 12 (2):303-320.
    En el debate ético contemporáneo coexisten planteamientos derivados de la filosofía moral moderna con otros enfoques que cuestionan sus ambiciones normativas. Estos enfoques se han descrito como “éticas sin moral”, dando por sentado que el término “moral” recoge un aspecto nuclear del pensamiento ético moderno: el deseo de identificar las normas universales objetivas. En este ensayo me propongo examinar si es posible defender la normatividad de la razón sustrayéndose a las críticas esgrimidas desde las contemporáneas éticas sin moral.
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    Cambios conceptuales y emociones: una propuesta de teoría integradora Conceptual Changes and Emotions: A Proposal for an Integrative Theory.Ana Isabel González Manso - 2011 - Historiografias 2:29-44.
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    El Derecho de Autor y la protección de materiales periodísticos en consideración a los medios impresos. Ensayo.Ana E. Mas, Q. Rubí & Lorena Velásquez González - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 3 (3):468-471.
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    Derecho de memoria y búsqueda de la verdad: Un estudio comparativo entre Brasil y Uruguay.Ana Maria Sosa Gonzalez & Maria Leticia Mazzucchi Ferreira - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (3).
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    Practical Identity, Obligation, and Sociality.Ana Marta González - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (4):610-625.
    In this article, I explore the way in which Korsgaard’s approach to obligation as springing from the reflective rejection of that which threatens one’s own identity can account for obligations towards others, without making the latter relative to obligations to oneself. To this end, I begin by stressing the role of reflexivity in ethical relationships, and show how this reflexivity is mediated by reference to law, which applies both to the self and to the other. On this basis, I then (...)
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    The study of the evolution of fruits preservation techniques in the iberian peninsula through the agronomic andalusian works, their Roman antecedents and posterior footprint in the renaissance.Ana M. Cabo-González - 2014 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 24 (1):139-168.
    RésuméDepuis les débuts de l'humanité, l'être humain s'est préoccupé de conserver les aliments en vue de les rendre plus longtemps comestibles. Au fil du temps, différentes méthodes pour préserver la nourriture ont été découvertes et perfectionnées, et ces techniques se trouvent décrites dans beaucoup d'œuvres. Ce travail décrit la connaissance des techniques de conservation qu'avaient les habitants de la péninsule ibérique ainsi que les développements qu'ils leur ont apportés. Il s'attache à étudier les divers procédés mis au point entre leieret (...)
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    Editorial: Training Methodology: A Multidimensional Approach for Team Sports.Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, Hugo Sarmento, Daniel Castillo, Gibson Moreira Praça, Javier Raya-González, Luca Paolo Ardigò, Rodrigo Aquino, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Beat Knechtle & Filipe Manuel Clemente - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  21. Moral standard and social change: The philosophers 'approach'.Ana Marta Gonzalez - 2011 - Acta Philosophica 20 (2):243-271.
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    Overall Quality of Sporting Events and Emotions as Predictors of Future Intentions of Duathlon Participants.Ana Mᵃ Magaz-González, César Sahelices-Pinto, Cristina Mendaña-Cuervo & Marta García-Tascón - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Populism’s challenges to political reason: Reconfiguring the public sphere in an emotional culture.Ana Marta González & Alejandro Néstor García Martínez - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (3):419-446.
    Populism’s Challenges to Political Reason can be seen as a consequence of social and cultural trends, the so called ‘emotional culture’, that have been accentuated in recent decades. By considering those trends, this article aims at shedding light on some distinctive marks of contemporary populism in order to argue for a reconfiguration of the public sphere that, without ignoring emotion, recovers argumentation and persuasion based on facts and reason.
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  24. Nature and Elements of a Cognitive-Practical Conception of Emotions.Ana Marta Gonzalez - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (253):487-516.
  25.  1
    Research and the Christian identity of universities.Ana Marta González - 2024 - Church, Communication and Culture 9 (2):207-224.
    In order to explore the relationship between research and universities with a Christian identity, it is important to be clear about the identity of social realities and the meaning of ‘Christian identity’ when applied to universities. In my view, the latter requires three elements: (1) assigning a central role to theological reflection, (2) recognizing a mediating role to philosophy, and (3) encouraging a reflective posture in all disciplines. These three aspects should be considered and secured through adequate research policies that (...)
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  26. .Ana Marta González & Alejandro G. Vigo - unknown
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  27. Ethics in global business and in a plural society.Gonzalez Ana Marta - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1).
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    Identification of abnormal movements with 3D accelerometer sensors for seizure recognition.José R. Villar, Manuel Menéndez, Enrique de la Cal, Javier Sedano & Víctor M. González - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:54-61.
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    Aristotle and Kant on Practical Reason. An Annotation to Korsgaard.Ana Marta González - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1).
    After many years drawing attention to the differences between Aristotelian and Kantian Ethics, recent scholarship tends to stress their commonalties instead. Among the authors representing this trend of contemporary moral philosophy, Christine Korsgaard has undoubtedly a leading role. Without denying the differences existing between them, Korsgaard has been particularly keen on calling our attention to their shared views.Yet Korsgaard herself has acknowledged an obvious difference between Aristotle and Kant, regarding their approach to emotions : unlike Kant, Aristotle does not think (...)
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    La párodos de Áyax: El otro Áyax.Ana María González de Tobia - 2003 - Synthesis (la Plata) 10:121-131.
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    Alcance y límites del deber de obediencia al gobierno según Hume.Ana Marta González - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37 (1):77-116.
    Se explora la justificación que ofrece Hume del gobierno en dos momentos, y, a partir de ahí, los argumentos con los que pretende salvar la posibilidad de la resistencia civil sin afirmar tajantemente un derecho a la resistencia. Para ello pone en juego su distinción entre obligación natural —u obligación de interés—y obligación moral —-avalada por el sentimiento. Al hilo de esta distinción puede señalarse un criterio para distinguir normalidad y excepción, y, eventualmente, el tipo de situación que podría respaldar (...)
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  32.  47
    Derecho natural y derechos humanos: síntesis práctica y complementariedad teórica.Ana Marta González - 1998 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):73-98.
    La idea moderna de derechos humanos y el concepto clásico de ley natural no son equivalentes. Ciertamente comparten la idea de que no toda ley es convencional. Pero más allá de esto, la noción clásica de ley natural es definida claramente en el marco de las virtudes y, consecuentemente, tiene una orientación más práctica y está atada más de cerca a la historia; la noción de derechos humanos, que han heredado las teorías modernas de los derechos naturales, conduce a la (...)
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  33.  17
    Naturaleza y dignidad: un estudio desde Robert Spaemann.Ana Marta González - 1996 - Pamplona, España: Eunsa.
    El uso habitual del lenguaje reconocía hasta hace todavía relativamente poco tiempo un sentido ético-normativo en los términos "natural" y "naturaleza". De un tiempo a esta parte, sin embargo, ha penetrado profunda¬mente en el sentido común epocal la idea de la diferenciación del hombre con respecto a la naturaleza. De ahí que, ante la invitación a secundar la naturaleza, no sea infrecuente escuchar la respuesta: "¿por qué? ¡si yo soy un ser racional, una persona!". Esta mentalidad coexiste culturalmente con la (...)
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    The Perception of Time and the Meaning of History among Spanish Intellectuals of the Nineteenth Century.Ana Isabel González Manso - 2016 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 11 (2):64-84.
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    Las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos como promotoras de una cultura en derechos humanos.Ana Cristina González Rincón - 2019 - Ratio Juris 14 (29):187-206.
    Las Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos cumplen, fundamentalmente, con dos funciones: proteger a las personas a partir de recomendaciones, garantizándoles una reparación si se comente una violación a sus derechos, y prevenir futuras violaciones a los derechos humanos. Sobre esta base están llamadas a ser los organismos que guíen hacia una cultura ciudadana a favor de los derechos humanos. Para lograr la culturización en este campo, se requiere educar en derechos a través de la educación formal e informal. En el (...)
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  36. ESTUDIOS, NOTAS, TEXTOS Y COMENTARIOS-Naturaleza y elementos de una concepción cognitivo-práctica de las emociones.Ana Marta González - 2012 - Pensamiento 68 (253):487.
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  37. Ethics in global business and in a plural society.Ana Marta González - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1):23 - 36.
    The contemporary confluence of globalization and ethical pluralism is at the origin of many ethical challenges that confront business nowadays, both in practice and in theory. One of the challenges arising from the development of globalization has to do with respect for cultural diversity. It is often said that the success of economic globalization tends towards social and cultural homogeneity. To the extent that cultural diversity is usually seen as a valuable reality, that global trend seems to contradict our efforts (...)
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    Differences in visual search behavior between expert and novice team sports athletes: A systematic review with meta-analysis.Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, António Sampaio, Nuno Pimenta, Ricardo Franco Lima, Henrique de Oliveira Castro, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Israel Teoldo, Hugo Sarmento, Francisco González Fernández, Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Anna Oniszczuk & Eugenia Murawska-Ciałowicz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFor a long time, in sports, researchers have tried to understand an expert by comparing them with novices, raising the doubts if the visual search characteristics distinguish experts from novices. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to review and conduct a meta-analysis to evaluate the differences in visual search behavior between experts and novices in team sports athletes.MethodsThis systematic review with meta-analysis followed the PRISMA 2020 and Cochrane's guidelines. Healthy team athletes were included, which engaged in regular practice, (...)
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  39. Kant's Philosophy of Education: Between Relational and Systemic Approaches.Ana Marta González - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (3):433-454.
    The purpose of this paper is to view Kant's approach to education in the broader context of Kant's philosophy of culture and history as a process whose direction should be reflectively assumed by human freedom, in the light of man's moral vocation. In this context, some characteristic tensions of his enlightened approach to education appear. Thus, while Kant takes the educational process to be a radically moral enterprise all the way through—and hence, placed in a relational context—he also aspires to (...)
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    MELENDO, TOMÁS, Dignidad humana y bioética, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1999, 186 págs.Ana Marta González - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico:308-309.
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    Naturaleza y función del gobierno en Hume.Ana Marta Gonzalez - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 33 (1):161-196.
    I explore Hume’s argument for the existence of government, in which he articulates psychological and social elements. Given the human tendency to satisfy the proximate above the remote interests, the fulfilment of the rules of justice, which makes social cooperation possible, must be warranted by the artifice of government. Once the government is in place, it also performs a coordinating function, which strengthens preexistent activities, such as commerce. Indirectly, the government fulfils also a civilizing function -/- Resumen. Se explora el (...)
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    Panorama de la cultura científico-técnica en el renacimiento salmantino.María Dolores González & Ana Cuevas Badallo - 2002 - Arbor 173 (683-684):585-616.
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    The Pending Revolution: Kant as a Moral Revolutionary.Ana Marta González - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (3).
    Kant controversially opposed political revolutions; yet, in morality, he clearly encouraged a revolutionary attitude. Drawing especially on the relevant texts in the Metaphysics of Morals, the Religion, the Education and the Anthropology, I explore the conceptual underpinnings of Kant’s position, arguing that Kant’s contrast between moral revolution and reform is at the basis of his twofold notion of noumenal and phenomenal virtue, which in turn explains the contrast he draws between principled versus imitative behaviour in the Education. On this basis, (...)
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    The Progressive Approach to EMDR Group Therapy for Complex Trauma and Dissociation: A Case-Control Study.Ana I. Gonzalez-Vazquez, Lucía Rodriguez-Lago, Maria T. Seoane-Pillado, Isabel Fernández, Francisca García-Guerrero & Miguel A. Santed-Germán - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Presentación.María Casado González & Ana Rubio Castro - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 52:5-21.
    1. Bioética y Filosofía del derechoEste número de la revista ACFS está dedicado a la bioética y eso constituye un acontecimiento importante tanto para la filosofía del derecho como para la bioética, ya que implica reconocer oficialmente —en una revista filosófico-jurídica de tanta raigambre en nuestro país— que los temas de la bioética son parte de la filosofía del derecho. Para muchos es algo obvio, ya que la bioética se ocupa de analizar las implicaciones éticas, jurídicas y sociales de los (...)
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    La filosofía kantiana como filosofía de la cultura.Ana Marta González - 2014 - Isegoría 51:691-708.
    Además del concepto explícito de cultura como perfeccionamiento de la naturaleza, que podemos reconocer en muchos lugares del corpus kantiano, la entera empresa crítica puede considerarse cultura en un sentido más profundo: cultura como proyección de una subjetividad que busca en la naturaleza los indicios del destino racional y moral del hombre. Según esto, la filosofía kantiana puede verse como una filosofía de la cultura, posible, en última instancia, por la reflexividad de la razón, que advierte sus propios intereses, y (...)
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  47. La influencia de la religiÓn en la configuraciÓn del Derecho de la UniÓn Europea.Ana Fernández-Coronado González - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:25-40.
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    limitaciones a la movilidad por la COVID-19 y la opinión sobre la democracia.Ana María Huesca González & José Enrique Conde Belmonte - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-12.
    En este artículo se pretende poner de manifiesto las restricciones impuestas por el Estado español a la libertad de movimiento. Una vez descritas estas restricciones en las tres primeras olas de la pandemia de la Covid-19, se reflexiona sobre los posibles excesos del gobierno aumentando su control sobre una ciudadanía preocupada y con temor hacia la pandemia. Sin embargo, existe una consecuencia inesperada en las actitudes políticas de las personas: una reducción de las preferencias hacia la democracia, a favor del (...)
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    Machine learning techniques for computer-based decision systems in the operating theatre: application to analgesia delivery.Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, Rafael Arnay, Juan Albino Mendez-Perez, Ana León, María Martín, Jose A. Reboso, Esteban Jove-Perez & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):236-250.
    This work focuses on the application of machine learning techniques to assist the clinicians in the administration of analgesic drug during general anaesthesia. Specifically, the main objective is to propose the basis of an intelligent system capable of making decisions to guide the opioid dose changes based on a new nociception monitor, the analgesia nociception index. Clinical data were obtained from 15 patients undergoing cholecystectomy surgery. By means of an off-line study, machine learning techniques were applied to analyse the possible (...)
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    Circular subsidiarity: Humanizing work through relational goods.Ana Marta González & Germán Scalzo - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (S1):705-720.
    The Fourth Industrial Revolution based on digitalization, the development of AI, robotics, big data, and increasing automation is dredging up older debates on the end of human work. This article contributes to this debate arguing that these changing circumstances represent an opportunity to advance a renewed consideration of human work. By emphasizing its most distinctively human dimensions, including gratuitousness, relationality, and meaningfulness, we propose the articulation of a social model that recognizes relational goods as a specific contribution of human work (...)
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